Book "Horizon 2040". Article by Andrey Milekhin “Demography”

17 January 2024

In the last days of the passing year 2023, the book “Horizon 2040” was published, which included the first results of work on the project of the same name, which is actually the current leading project on the future of Russia. It was launched in November 2022 by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Russian Export Center.

Horizon 2040 was designed to look into the future and start preparing for it now. It is extremely important now to imagine what trends and challenges will determine the future of Russia and the world in the next 20 years.
Horizon 2040 brought together more than 130 leading Russian experts in the fields of demography, ecology, climate, energy, technology, space, healthcare, food, socioculture and economics.

As part of the first stage, 10 working groups were formed, which carried out work on individual thematic domains. Over the course of a year, constantly discussing and exchanging hypotheses, they formed their idea of the future. The book “Horizon 2040” presents the results of joint work of experts in the above areas.

President of ROMIR, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University. Lomonosov and RUM named after. Evdokimov Andrey Milekhin became the leader of the Demography domain and was the author of a report of the same name.

“The topic of demography appeared last in the area of interest of the Horizon 2040 project, but in the end it became one of the key and leading ones. And this is very significant, since it is Man who is the central figure and determining factor in the development of our common future. No technology or digitalization is possible without the participation of a person, a living intellect, a healthy individual,” says Andrey Milekhin.